In less than a week, Virginians will head to the polls. My friend, Mark Warner is running for re-election to the U.S. Senate because he believes that all Virginians should get a fair shot at success. He was the first in his family to graduate from college. His first two business attempts failed, but he pushed forward and met with success on his third attempt. He wants to ensure that all Virginians have that same fair shot.
Senator Warner has a long track record of working together to find commonsense solutions for Virginians. As Governor, he helped turn a $6 billion deficit into a $1 billion surplus. He made the largest single investment in K – 12 education in Virginia’s history and created 130,000 new jobs. As a result, Virginia was named the best-managed state and the best state for business. He has always put Virginia first.
Senator Warner has brought the same bipartisan approach to his work in the U.S. Senate. He founded the Gang of Six to help tackle our debt and deficit and put our nation on a path to long-term stability. He supports raising the minimum wage and has stood up for a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions. He has introduced student debt legislation to provide new tools to help students pay down their debt. And he has always stood up for our military families and veterans, most recently when he worked to pass a provision to bring private sector help to fix the scheduling problems at the VA hospitals.
Senator Warner’s opponent, however, has taken the opposite approach. He has spent his entire career as a political operative and top DC lobbyist. He even went on TV and called himself a “partisan warrior.” The last thing Virginians need is another partisan warrior to add to the gridlock in Washington.
This is an important election. The choice is between finding commonsense solutions and going back to the same tired economic policies that drove our country into the ditch. We need to keep the car in drive, not reverse, and re-elect Mark Warner on Tuesday, November 4. The polls are open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Creigh Deeds is a Virginia state senator.