There comes a time in any start-up business where a founder may start to consider adding Human Resources to their structure.
As management starts to groan under the weight of increasingly time-consuming employee concerns, thoughts turn to HR in the anticipation of streamlining the process and thus generating more time for senior management. But when time and funds are tight, how do you measure if incorporating HR will lead to a positive ROI? Can human resources really help to make your business more profitable?
The role of HR is to get the most out of the staff, turning prospective and existing employees into dedicated members of the company. For any company, your people are your greatest resource.
HR has evolved from being purely about hiring and firing and annual pay reviews, to developing a positive business culture. Just as a business has clients that need to be nurtured, in HR, the employees are the ‘client’ and it’s the job of HR to improve employee engagement and productivity in order to ensure the success of the business.
Small businesses rarely hit the ground with a solid HR structure in place which in turn leads to issues as soon as the business starts to flourish. The result of this can be a failure to attract and retain the best people, neglect of staff training and support needs, micromanagement and resistance of delegation. Rarely does the expansion of a company run smoothly and profitably without the right people, fully trained and looked after.
In Business
If you are even considering this topic, the chances are that you are already feeling the pressure fn time and resources, and considering the need for an HR structure in your business. But where to start? You may have concerns that your small business isn’t ready to invest in a dedicated HR department or role. Perhaps your current budget won’t stretch to the employment of an HR Manager and you regard your small workforce to be insufficient to warrant a full time HR employee. Equally, however, as a business owner, you should be looking to free up the time you spend on HR issues. HR is a time consuming but necessary part of your company’s success so you may want to consider using HR software to streamline workflows and increase efficiency.
However, finding HR Software can be a challenge, especially for small businesses with limited budgets that won’t stretch to major technology purchases. Identifying your needs is a good starting point towards finding the right HR software to alleviate your pain points. A truly integrative software platform should have no problems in simplifying all your HR requirements seamlessly from the beginning to end of your employee’s lifecycle.
Reliable Software
From recruitment, to offer letters, onboarding, managing work schedules and holidays, payroll, through to exiting packages, a reliable HR Software will make sure your company is compliant throughout the process.
Using a software platform to address all your HR needs not only removes human error, but also helps your company to stay green as you move away from streams of time consuming paperwork to a fully accessible platform that can be accessed remotely by all your employees.