Home Clinton plan could create jobs for 65,000 young unemployed Virginians
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Clinton plan could create jobs for 65,000 young unemployed Virginians


hillary clintonHillary Clinton unveiled her $125 billion economic revitalization initiative for America’s underserved communities, predominately communities of color.

Included in this agenda is a $50 billion investment to create millions of new jobs and provide pathways of opportunity for unemployed Americans – with $20 billion specifically invested in local programs to put jobless young people back to work.

Roughly one in ten Americans between 16 and 24 is unemployed, and these numbers hide devastating racial inequities:

  • The unemployment rate for African American teenagers is almost twice that of white teenagers.
  • The unemployment rate for Latino teenagers is roughly a quarter higher.

In Virginia, as many as 19,000 unemployed young African Americans and 4,000 unemployed young Latinos aged 20 to 24 could see new job opportunities under Clinton’s plan.

“Hillary’s ‘Breaking Every Barrier Agenda’ will help expand opportunities for hardworking American families by creating jobs in the communities most in need, especially here in Hampton and Newport News,” said Congressman Bobby Scott.  “Hillary understands that we need a comprehensive approach to creating economic opportunity; that is why she will work to close the achievement gap, ensure more affordable housing, and improve transportation access to good jobs and schools.  Hillary has always fought to empower those who have been left behind by our economy and I know she’ll continue that fight as President.”

This economic revitalization initiative is only one component of Clinton’s broader “Breaking Every Barrier Agenda” which focuses on closing the education achievement gap, dismantling the school-to-prison pipeline and fighting for environmental justice, among other provisions.



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