Home Climate activists to launch road to the People’s Climate March
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Climate activists to launch road to the People’s Climate March


earth-newMultiple environmental groups have come together to host a Climate Action Weekend Workshop for statewide climate activist leaders on the weekend of August 23-24.

Around 60 climate activists will be gathered at a local conference hotel center to talk strategy and launch the statewide effort to get Virginians up to the People’s Climate March in New York City on September 21. During that time world leaders will be in New York City for a UN summit to discuss climate change. The People’s Climate March is a major mobilization this September for Virginians and people globally to demand bold action to address the climate crisis. The Richmond gathering this weekend comes on the heels of efforts in Virginia in support of the Environmental Protection Agency’s announced Clean Power Plan. So far over 188,000 Virginians have submitted comments to the EPA supportive of clean and renewable energy options and demanding action on climate.

Members of the faith community will be in attendance at the weekend launch. Students from the recently formed Virginia Student Environmental Coalition also will be present.  Additionally, Hampton Roads will be represented by several folks including Dr. Erica Holloman, an activist and scientist working with an environmental justice community in newport news. The impacts of climate change are already being felt in Hampton Roads as it is the second must vulnerable area in the US to sea level rise after New Orleans.



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