The City of Staunton will begin its leaf collection program Nov. 2 to assist residents with the removal of fallen leaves.
The collection will continue through mid-January.
Seven leaf pickup areas have been outlined, and each zone is expected to receive pickup twice during its assigned period. With severe winter weather predicted and limited staff, the second pickup is not guaranteed.
Individual street schedules will not be provided
Leaf collection will be suspended on city holidays, including Nov. 26, Nov. 27, Dec. 24, Dec. 25, and Jan. 1. In case of a snow event, snow removal takes precedence and the leaf collection will be suspended until the snow event is cleared.
How to participate
To receive leaf collection at your residence, rake leaves to the curb or street right-of-way by the beginning of your scheduled collection weeks as shown on the map. Rocks, sticks, brush and other objects must be kept out of leaf piles as they can cause damage to city machinery and delay the program. The city will not attempt to collect leaf piles containing damaging items.
Residents should avoid pushing leaves into streets, gutters, drain pipes, and drop inlets so that water can flow without blockage.
What happens to the leaves after collection?
The city will make compost with the leaves collected and also provide them to local farms for composting.
Call Public Works at 540.332.3892.