Many people are forced to work from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But for those people that can’t do their job at home, the office needs to be a clean and safe place. Is your office corona proof? If your office ticks all the boxes below, you’re more than ready!
Keep your office clean and safe.
- There are enough sanitizers (Dutch: ontsmettingsmiddelen) available (e.g., soap, disposable cleaning wipes, paper tissues and disinfectant);
- There are enough sanitizers available in various sections of the building (e.g., entrance, toilet, kitchen, hallways and workstations);
- There are signs with instructions on how to wash your hands (e.g., in the toilet and kitchen);
- So called contact surfaces (e.g., door handles, coffee machine, printer, and railings) are cleaned at least twice a day – preferably more;
- Toilets are cleaned regularly – at least daily;
- Does your company have flexible workplaces? Then there should be sanitizers for employees to clean their desk and especially their computer, keyboard and mouse;
- The work area is adequately ventilated.
Work area set up
1,5 meter distance and no physical contact.
- There are clear walking routes, especially at narrow places (e.g., the hallway);
- There are, for example, arrows that indicate in which direction/on what side people are supposed to walk;
- There are clear spots where people can wait at a 1,5 meter distance from others (e.g., in the coffee corner and in meeting rooms). There are, for example, marking lines and stickers that indicate where people are supposed to stand;
- If possible, there is a different entrance and exit;
- If there is an elevator in the building, people need to be informed about how many people are allowed in the elevator at the same time;
- Workplaces are at 1,5 meter distance from each other or are divided by protective screens.
Rules and agreements
Clear communication.
- All general and company specific rules and agreements concerning COVID-19 are communicated clearly to all employees (e.g., not to shake hands, keep 1,5 m distance, wash hands regularly);
- There are signs in the office that give specific instructions about hygiene and remind people of the rules (e.g., make professional signs with information and stick them to the wall with superglue (Dutch: secondelijm);
- There is a clear schedule that indicates when people are able to work at the office.
Your employees need to feel safe and secure in the workplace at all times. This checklist consists of the basics for a corona proof office. Make sure that you stick to it!
Story by Douwe Richards