Rep. Don Beyer, the top-ranking member of the House on Congress’ Joint Economic Committee, issued the following statement on President Trump’s executive orders on the economy announced over the weekend.
“Beyond the constitutional and legal issues which the President’s Executive Orders raise, they are wholly inadequate to avert the economic disaster facing millions of American families. They are worse than nothing, since Administration figures like Mark Meadows may use them as a fig leaf to avoid striking a deal with Congress to provide actual public health and economic support to communities.
“Over the past six months I have spoken with many of the top economists and economic policymakers in the country about how to address this crisis, and the resounding message is that substantial government spending is needed to prevent a lengthy depression. They point again and again to the need for strong and sustained unemployment supports, and the need to help state and local governments replace lost revenue to prevent mass public sector layoffs and the slashing of critical services.
“President Trump’s smoke and mirrors will not repair the economic damage the country has sustained. Anything less than a broad economic aid package will fail to put us on the road to a recovery.”