The Bath Community Senior Center has had a busy couple of months. Director, Joyce Ryder, began on November 5th and has gone non-stop, learning about the senior members and learning about the inner workings of VPAS . In addition, every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday has been jam packed with lots of goings on.
One of the first tasks Joyce took on was making the Senior Center a more attractive, welcoming environment. New mini-blinds replaced old curtains, making a brighter gathering space, furniture was repositioned to make a more spacious, open area to get around in. Volunteer, Don Ryder, came to install the blinds and help with the furniture moving.
Volunteer presenters came to deliver special programs. In November the members were entertained with a Thanksgiving Skit, “The First Thanksgiving” by the director and her eleven year old grandson, Jackson. For Veteran’s Day the members wrote letters to service men and women through the “Packages from Home” program. A heartfelt note of thanks for taking the time was received by the Seniors. A visitation trip to Mountain Crest Retirement Center delighted members and residents alike.
December brought a wonderful covered dish meal prepared by the members, a visit from Mrs. Claus, courtesy of volunteer Sue Ailstock who read Christmas stories, a carol sing at the Mountain Crest Retirement Center led by volunteer pianist, Peggy Kimmel and a delicious Christmas luncheon prepared by volunteers of Ashwood United Methodist Women. The members were also blessed with donations by various individuals and businesses in Bath County to help fund their Christmas activities and door prizes for each member. Beautiful Christmas bags filled with gifts were donated by the Bath County Hospital and the Hot Springs Pharmacy.
The cold days of January didn’t slow the Senior members down either. Volunteers, PY Henry and Joan Williams gave a presentation on Martin Luther King and presented a trivia quiz and the members learned, from volunteer Helen McAllister, how to make cloth yoyos. This will be an ongoing project to construct a quilt of yoyos to be used as a fund raiser later this year. The inclement weather has impacted the opening of the center over the past two weeks, but it has not daunted the energy and involvement of the members. Upcoming events will include a membership drive, reorganization of the local Advisory Council and many more fun programs and events.
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