Many voters have received a pre-filled mail ballot application from the Center for Voter Information. The form can be used by voters in Augusta County to request a ballot for the Nov. 3 General Election.
Voters can return the application in the provided envelope. It will be delivered directly to the Augusta County Voter Registration Office for processing.
While there are reports of inaccurate information in other Virginia localities, the ones in Augusta appear correct. The Center for Voter Information is an independent organization not affiliated with the Augusta County Voter Registration Office or the Virginia Department of Elections.
You may also apply online for a ballot to vote by mail directly with the Virginia Department of Elections. As of July 1, 2020, voters do not need a reason to apply for an absentee mail ballot. You can also contact the county Voter Registration Office at 540-245-5656 or [email protected]
The office can answer your questions and help you through the vote by mail process.
If you already applied to vote by mail, you can check to see if your absentee application was received by going to the Citizen Portal for the Virginia Department of Elections.
Voters who have submitted a request for a mail ballot for November do not need to submit another request. Mail-in, absentee ballots will be sent to voters the week of September 18.