Home Suffolk University/USA Today poll shows Trump approval dipping
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Suffolk University/USA Today poll shows Trump approval dipping


Voters are souring on President Donald Trump and the GOP, and nearly 75 percent indicate they are either uneasy or alarmed about the way things are going in Washington, according to a Suffolk University/USA Today national poll of registered voters.

donald trumpTrump’s unfavorable rating has risen 8 points, to 55 percent, since a March poll by Suffolk University/USA Today. Forty percent of voters now look on him favorably, compared to 45 percent in March. And 53 percent of voters polled this week disapprove of the job he is doing, compared to 44 percent in March. Fewer than one-third of voters approve of Trump’s handling of health care.

As for the Republican Party, 55 percent of respondents in this week’s poll had an unfavorable view of the GOP, with 32 percent favorable. The unfavorable segment was up 7 percent from March, when voters’ assessment of the GOP was 48 percent unfavorable to 37 percent favorable.

On the issue of health care, less than 12 percent of respondents support the Senate Republicans’ proposed health care plan that would replace Obamacare. The poll found that 43 percent of voters trust congressional Democrats to protect the interests of their families, while 19 percent trust Trump, and 10 percent look to Republicans. Forty-two percent said that Congress should leave the framework of the Affordable Care Act intact but fix its problems, while 11 percent said to retain it as is.


Russia investigation

With regard to Russian intervention in the U.S, election, 56 percent of voters disagree with the president’s declaration that the Russia investigation is a witch-hunt by his political enemies. More than 73 percent said the issue is very or somewhat serious, compared to 63 percent who felt that way in March. In the most recent poll, 24 percent said it was not very/not at all serious.

Voters’ evaluation of the job Trump is doing varies according to specific policy areas, with 47 percent approving and 44 percent disapproving of his handling of national security/terrorism. On his handling of the economy, 46 percent disapprove and 44 percent approve; foreign policy, 53 percent disapprove and 38 percent approve; and health care, 61 percent disapprove and 27 percent approve.

One-third of voters (33 percent) said they were “uneasy” with the way things are going in Washington today, while another 42 percent said they were “alarmed,” and 11 percent said they were excited.


Voters dissent on health care

“The health care questions in this survey show that the American electorate wants to protect those with pre-existing conditions and lower-income people who became eligible for Medicaid through the Affordable Care Act,” said David Paleologos, director of the Suffolk University Political Research Center in Boston. “And more voters trust congressional Democrats than Republicans with the heath care of their families.”

On the issue of health care, the figures broke out as follows:

  • 57 percent of voters said it is very important that insurance premiums go down in price.
  • 63 percent said it is very important that those eligible for Medicaid under Obamacare continue to be covered by Medicaid.
  • 77 percent say it is very important that people with preexisting conditions pay the same price for insurance premiums as others.


North Korea Punishment

After the recent death of University of Virginia student Otto Warmbier, who was imprisoned in North Korea for more than 17 months, 49 percent of voters would like to see the Trump administration take punitive action. Among those who approve of punishing North Korea, and with respondents able to choose multiple responses, 64 percent condone tightening economic sanctions; 42 percent, prohibiting all U.S./North Korea travel; and 17 percent, military action.



Forty-nine percent of voters said they believe that the United States is in an economic recovery, while 29 percent indicated stagnation, 8 percent said recession, and 6 percent indicated a depression.



The nationwide survey of 1,000 voters was conducted June 24 through 27 using live telephone interviews of households where respondents indicated they were registered to vote. The margin of error is +/-3 percentage points at a 95 percent level of confidence. Marginals and full cross-tabulation data are posted on the Suffolk University Political Research Center website: www.suffolk.edu/SUPRC.



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