Congressman Robert Hurt (R-Virginia) released the following statement after voting in favor of the Small Business Broadband Deployment Act, which would loosen burdensome regulations on smaller Internet Service Providers imposed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)’s Open Internet Order, allowing them to focus on expanding consumer access to broadband:
“From the Environmental Protection Agency to the FCC, Washington continues to force unnecessary regulations on the American people and our small businesses. In the House of Representatives, we are committed to cutting this bureaucratic red tape and allowing our small businesses to flourish. This bipartisan legislation will protect small businesses from the burdensome requirements in the FCC’s Open Internet Order, allowing them to dedicate their resources to expanding and innovating. Furthermore, it allows smaller Internet Service Providers to focus on building networks, deploying broadband, and improving connectivity for rural consumers, which is critical to job creation. Access to broadband is key to economic development, and expanding access is essential to a robust economic recovery. The House remains committed to creating an economic environment that allows our small businesses to grow and create jobs. It is my hope the Senate and the President join our efforts.”