Running a household can be time consuming and expensive. Sometimes you need a little help! Whether it’s simplifying everyday tasks, or extending the life of your expensive appliances and home systems, any cost and time saving measures are always appreciated. We’ve rounded up a list of gadgets and tools that can help you keep your house in the best condition possible – and save you time and money in the process! From cleaning, to staying organized, to helping you out with unexpected expenditures, to knocking out small tasks that take forever, we’ve got you covered.
1. A Hair Catcher for Drains
Cleaning drains might be one of the most arduous tasks there is. It goes way beyond home cleaning. It’s time consuming, difficult, and can honestly be gross. We recommend this handy little tool for catching the hair that’s known to clog up your shower drain. This, of course, is just one kind of “hair catching” product. There are tons of them out there! Find one that fits your drain and cleaning needs, and say goodbye to ever having to snake your shower drain ever again.
2. Mini Food Processor
We may not think about it a ton, but how often do you waste time chopping vegetables and fruits into tiny bite-sized pieces? Or to go into a recipe? It’s something that comes naturally, but what if you could get those minutes back and avoid potentially hurting yourself with a kitchen knife when you’re not paying attention to the veggies you’re chopping? Consider investing in a mini food processor. You can chop and grind vegetables, fruits, and more in a matter of seconds. Plus, you can use the mini food processor as a multi-purpose tool. Fresh salsas, pureed tomato sauces – you can do so much with this gadget.
3. Home Warranties
Admittedly, home warranties aren’t exactly a “gadget.” But they do help you out around the house in more ways than one. We’ve all had the experience of a major home system or appliance breaking down. It’s expensive, and often a huge inconvenience until we get it up and running again. However, in today’s day and age of ever-advancing technology, repairing or replacing your home appliance or system that’s broken can be expensive. Some home repair costs can get up into the thousands of dollars range. Home warranties, on average, cost only $20-50/month, depending on the coverage you select (there are plenty of providers in Virginia). Then, when a home system or appliance breaks, you only pay a small service charge (usually around $75-100) to get your broken home equipment fixed.
Can you imagine having your air conditioning go out in the middle of an over-hundred-degree summer day? Home warranty companies work with you to get one of their selected contractors out there ASAP to address and fix the problem. Of course, as with any monthly contract service, you’ll have to make sure the policy you sign on for covers the home appliances, systems, or a combination of the two that best suits your home needs. There are a ton of different home warranty companies to select from, so shop around! Do your research to find the company and the policy that perfectly fits your needs.
4. Key Finder
How many hours have you lost searching for your missing keys? Phone? Wallet? Tile is a nifty “find it” tool that can help you track down your lost stuff. It links to an app on your phone to set off a homing signal or sound when connected to the items you’ve lost track of. Imagine never having to hunt through purses, pockets, and drawers again to find your car keys.
5. Pool Cleaner
Keeping your pool clean is necessary for a lot of reasons. It makes it safer to swim, more visually appealing as a yard feature, and it can prolong the life of your pool by ensuring no excess dirt or grime clogs up the pool’s mechanics. Unfortunately, cleaning your pool can be a long and difficult task. And during those hot summer days who wants to spend more time than they need to scrubbing it out? That’s why we love the idea of pool cleaning robots. It sounds like something that’s futuristic and from a science fiction movie, but they really do exist! This Dolphin Robotic Pool Cleaner keeps any size and shape of pool completely clean. Well worth the investment, in our opinion.
These five unique gadgets and tools can save you time, money, and a bit of your sanity. From simplifying everyday cleaning tasks to saving yourself a big chunk of change on an unexpected appliance break down via a home warranty, these gadgets and tools are a huge help. Everyone deserves a simplified life that’s as free of wasted time or excess stress as possible!