Item by Chris Graham
[email protected]
Application are being taken for special lottery deer hunts in Grayson Highlands State Park, Kiptopeke State Park, Lake Anna State Park and Pocahontas State Park, the the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation announced this week.
Grayson Highlands will hold a youth general firearms hunt Nov. 15 and general firearms hunts Nov. 17-18. Applications are due by Sept. 24 for both of the Grayson Highlands hunts.
Kiptopeke will hold an archery-muzzleloader hunt Nov. 7-8 and shotgun hunt Dec. 12-13. The lottery application deadlines for both of the Kiptopeke hunts is Oct. 3.
Lake Anna will hold a muzzleloader hunt Nov. 18-19 and a muzzleloader-shotgun hunt on Dec 2-3. The application deadline for both lottery hunts is Sept. 19.
Pocahontas muzzleloader-shotgun hunts will be Dec. 1-2 and Dec. 17-18, with applications due by Sept. 26.
A $5 non-refundable application fee must be submitted for each hunt. Anyone may enter the lotteries for a chance to participate in the controlled hunts, however successful applicants on the day of the hunt must show proof of completion of a hunter safety education course and pay a $10 fee. Each lottery entry requires a separate application.
For more information about these and other hunting opportunities and programs in Virginia State Parks or to obtain a lottery application, contact the Virginia State Parks Reservation Center at 800.933.PARK. Applications and information may also be found at