If you’ve heard anything about Anthony Powell, then you probably know that he has created a ton of millionaires and led countless people to a life of financial freedom through residual income. There is a lot to say about his entrepreneurial efforts, and no one can deny his success – especially when it comes to marketing. The multi-millionaire network marketer has achieved amazing results in his career and there’s no doubt that he knows how to create explosive growth, as evident from each of his ventures.
So, what is there to say about Anthony Powell, exactly?
The better question would be – where to begin? His career in network marketing is long and he has a lot to show from it. He first started his career at the age of 19 and has created huge organizations that span across more than 35 different countries since then.
For the sake of time, here are some main key things you need to know about him though. For one, he first started as a top earner with Herbalife, implementing his effective affiliate marketing skills. After that, his next big venture was with Vemma, where he made approximately $10 million. Now, through Online Entrepreneur Academy, he runs a 14 Day Champion Challenge that helps set beginning entrepreneurs on the right path.
About the challenge
Consider the following – what is the best way to make money online? Hard to say, right? Because of this, the challenge is a custom-tailored curriculum based on your strengths, needs, and requirements – which you will discover while taking it. According to Online Entrepreneur Academy Anthony Powell Reviews, online entrepreneurship boils down to 4 different success tiers: affiliate marketing, online network marketing, e-commerce, and online marketing.
And this goes back to the root of the challenge, though all of the above marketing fields work, some of them might work better for others – depending on their skills, personality, and so on. As a result, the challenge is designed so that by the end of it, entrepreneurs taking it will be able to figure out which venture works best for them. In addition to that, they will also have a customized 12-month plan that will help them create the life they want.
Going through the transformation
At its core, entrepreneurial transformation lies within your mindset and achieving long-term sustainable results. To get the results you want, you have to be patient and determined. When you fall in love with the process of what it takes to get the results you want, in addition to the outcome, then the results you’re creating will be within your reach. This is what the program is all about – helping others go through this transformation and achieve real results.
Anthony Powell has a deep belief that we learn from our mistakes. He, himself, has gone through many ventures to be where he is now. So, when something happens, we should be able to learn from it and keep moving forward.