VDOT will begin a project in Palmyra to replace the superstructure and repair parts of the substructure.
A half-mile stretch of Route 639 (Long Acre Road) will close to through traffic about 0.7 miles east of Route 640 (Haden Martin Road) and about 0.3 miles west of Haislip Lane for the duration of the work. Message boards will direct drivers to use alternate routes.
The current structure is posted at 10 tons while the new structure will be capable of carrying legal loads up to 40 tons. Crews expect to finish the project in six weeks, weather permitting.
Road conditions and other real-time travel information can be found on the 511 Virginia website, the free VDOT 511 mobile app or by calling 511 from any phone in Virginia. VDOT updates are also on Facebook and the Culpeper District’s Twitter account, @VaDOTCulp.