Mike Pence, the former vice president, who still doesn’t seem to get that the Trumpers wanted to hang him, blasted the “woke left” in a speech at the University of Virginia on Tuesday.
Woke left.
Clever, from the heads in the sand right.
“Frankly, Democrats have moved so fast in the last 14 months that sometimes I feel like the left hand doesn’t know what the far left hand is doing,” Pence said in the speech at Old Cabell Hall, where, incidentally, the lectures for my History of Jazz class were held when I was a second-year on Grounds.
(It was supposed to be a gut, but it was anything but.)
Anyway, Pence, who teased at a run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024 – “I’ll keep you posted,” he answered a question from an audience member on the topic – should be more worried about what the far right hand is doing.
He never got it that he was Trump’s beard to the Christian right, which now treats him as disloyal because he didn’t throw the country into chaos by trying to invalidate the election on a certain Jan. 6.
All the shade about the woke left and critical race theory he can conjure up – of course he brought up CRT, calling it “nothing more than state-sanctioned racism” – won’t change how he’s viewed by the patriots, who literally wanted his head.
Story by Chris Graham