Your article yesterday about the need for Joe Biden to drop out of the race was spot on.
In my opinion, the only way for Democratic voters to pressure the Democratic establishment to make this happen is to contact their Democratic representatives and senators and commit to boycotting the election if Mr. Biden is on the ticket.
It is unconscionable to me that the Democratic leadership is allowing the Biden family to lead in this. I told Sens. Kaine and Warner in messages to them that it is unconscionable to me that politicians who regularly send young Americans to die in senseless wars don’t have the fortitude to tell President Biden it’s time for him to step aside.
Howard Wilson, Bridgewater
Great points here from Mr. Wilson, and I would add, it’s also unconscionable to me that, speaking as a left-of-center Democrat, we’ve taken Republicans who hold their nose and vote for Donald Trump for pure political power reasons to task, and yet, top Democrats are trying to get us to hold our nose and vote for Joe Biden for pure political power reasons.
As I argued in the article that Mr. Wilson referenced, I think we can do better by nominating a new candidate whose main qualification isn’t just that he or she is not Donald Trump.
The American people want somebody who isn’t either Biden or Trump. Only Democrats can give them somebody who isn’t either Biden or Trump, but that only comes if top Democrats are made to come to Jesus by the voters.
I wonder if the Supreme Court realizes that they may have set up Trump and several GOP candidates and possibly themselves for the mother of all October surprises. The decision handed down on Monday also makes him immune from prosecution for official acts, including prosecution for violating the Privacy Act.
What did the FBI find out about Clarence Thomas’ love of dirty movies? Let’s find out.
Release grand-jury transcripts in the Trump Jan. 6 case.
There’s a lot of stuff out there. You know that Trump is going to do this if he gets elected.
I have to admit, something along these lines came to mind when I skimmed the Supreme Court decision yesterday, and had been in the back of my mind for weeks, because it’s not like we shouldn’t have expected the Supreme Court to side with Trump the way they did.
As I considered this, what also came to mind was, yeah, no, Democrats aren’t going to do anything like this, not because they’re any more moral than the other side, but just because, Democrats are spineless.
Democracy is hanging in the balance, and the Supreme Court just expressly authorized utter lawlessness on the part of the executive branch.
Trump’s own lawyer affirmed that a president could order the assassination of a political rival and evade prosecution.
I’m not sure that the courts would necessarily agree, but anyway, it doesn’t need to get that far.
We don’t have to guess that the other side is going to play dirty; we know that they did in 2016 (Trump asking Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails) and 2020 (Trump trying to hold up military aid to Ukraine to get dirt on Joe Biden).
They go low, and we go high?
I’m sorry, but whoever thinks that makes sense has to be high.