The Northam COVID-19 lockdown will have a projected $4 million impact on revenues for the City of Harrisonburg, forcing the hand of city leaders.
The response includes layoffs of most of the city’s part-time employees, effective May 10, and a hiring freeze for all positions not deemed essential.
Other actions include:
- A hiring freeze of all positions, other than those that are deemed essential.
- A reduction in department operating expenses, other than those for essential services.
- A stop to capital outlay purchases, other than for essential projects or those funded by outside revenue sources.
- A delay in new capital projects, unless they are deemed essential or are funded by outside revenue sources.
- Non-essential staff travel is suspended until further notice.
“For the past two months, we have navigated the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic with an important goal of maintaining core services to our residents, while protecting and supporting every employee with the City of Harrisonburg,” Harrisonburg City Manager Eric D. Campbell said. “But, as the pandemic continues having an impact on our community, it is now clear that we must take action in order to continue providing core services at a time when we have seen the loss of millions of dollars of vital funds.”
The decision was announced to all city staff on Monday.