The City of Waynesboro invests annually in tourism-oriented business endeavors, events and projects through their grant program, Building Opportunities to Support Tourism (BOOST).
City businesses and organizations are invited to apply for up to $3,000 to support eligible activities such as fairs, festivals and projects intended to entice visitationthrough assistance with the associated marketing, design and printing costs. Funds are accessible for new and existing tourism-related endeavors taking place within the City of Waynesboro between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016.
The grant application is available on the City’s Tourism website ( under the “What’s Happening” tab, as well as the Economic Development site ( Completed applications are due by noon on Monday, June 22, 2015 to the Tourism Office.
A committee will review the applications and make determinations for grant awards by Tuesday June 30, 2015. Full details for the requirements of the grant are included in the application, which can also be obtained from the Tourism Office at 301 West Main Street, Waynesboro, VA 22980 or by calling 540-942-6570.