VDOT announced that the portion of Route 612 between Route 784 and Route 608 in the New Hope area will be closed during the daytime hours for two days next week to allow crews to replace multiple pipes that run across the road.
The closures will be Tuesday, Oct. 25, and Wednesday, Oct. 26, between 8:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. each day.
Message boards will be placed at Route 608 and Route 784 alerting the public of the temporary closure and detour options.
Traffic heading west on Route 612 will turn left onto Route 784 (Pine Bluff Road), then right onto Route 785 (Madrid Road) until reaching Route 608 (Long Mea:30dow Road/Battlefield Road).
Traffic heading east on Route 612 will turn right onto Route 608 (Battlefield Road/Long Meadow Road), then left onto Route 785 (Madrid Road) until reaching Route 784 (Pine Bluff Road).
All work is weather permitting.