Deep discounts are available on driving evaluations at the University of Virginia Health System for people 65 and older and those ages 55 to 64 who have a cognitive impairment. But if you’re interested, hurry – only a limited number of spots are available.
The next 35 eligible people who sign up for an evaluation at UVA’s Driving Safety Laboratory will pay only $100, a third of the usual $300 cost. That’s thanks to a special subsidy from the state’s Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services.
“Getting a driving evaluation, like finding out about your heart health, can give you good, objective information about your driving abilities and whether it is safe to continue driving,” said UVA’s Dan Cox, PhD, a top driving safety researcher. “This evaluation can either stop or support families’ concerns about one’s driving safety.”
Participants’ driving skills will be tested during an hour-long evaluation on UVA’s high-tech driving simulator. No in-car driving is required.
To sign up, or for more information, call 434-924-5314.