Here’s a quick recap of actions from the July 22 Augusta County Board of Supervisors meeting.
The video of the meeting can be seen
House of Delegates member Chris Runion presented a resolution honoring former Board of Supervisors member Wendell Coleman for his service to Augusta County and to the Commonwealth of Virginia.
The Board approved the request to rezone county-owned property near Dooms Crossing Road to allow for recreational fishing, boating, picnic area, boat launch, accessory parking area, and passive recreation.
The Board adopted the Planning Commission-recommended amendments to the Comprehensive Plan’s transportation chapter to include major projects in the Wilson area and in VDOT-identified intersections along Rt. 11 for safety improvements.
The Board approved a resolution to categorize fire-rescue volunteers as employees solely for the purpose of workers compensation which will provide benefits for the volunteers under the Worker’s Compensation Act.
Matters from the Public
Bob Shipp asked the Board to consider having the noise ordinance apply to businesses that are within a prescribed distance from residences.
Matters from the Board
Mr. Wells offered support to the School Board who are discerning and planning for going back to school in the fall.
Boards and Commissions Appointments
The Board approved:
- William Cole Heizer’s reappointment to the Ag Industry Board
- David Kirby’s appointment to the Broadband Committee
- Pam Snyder, reappointed to the Shenandoah Valley Workforce Development Board
- Larry Curry, reappointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission
- Rob Thomas, reappointed to the Planning Commission
More information about Boards and Commissions can be found
Matters from Staff
The Board approved advertisement for a public hearing to address adoption of considerations for the siting and development of utility scale solar projects into the Comprehensive Plan.