Bridging the race divide?


The Top Story by Chris Graham   Daryl Davis has plenty of detractors – people who question his motives for wanting to meet with white supremacists, who wonder why an African-American man would of his own volition attend rallies of the Ku Klux Klan, who outright doubt his stories of conversions of racial separatists as…

An election at the grassroots: The Valley Family Forum and its role in the race in the 26th


Story by Chris Graham The Democratic Party targeted the 26th House District seat being left open by the retirement of Republican incumbent Glenn Weatherholtz, and for good reason – namely, a win by Democrat Lowell Fulk would give the party a plum seat in a GOP stronghold in Rockingham County and the city of Harrisonburg.

The healing power of God

Crystal Graham

By Crystal Graham [email protected] (This is the fifth installment in a six-part series on The Valley Responds, an effort that links the Shenandoah Valley with residents of Long Beach, Miss.) Sunday religious services along the Gulf Coast have been very different since Hurricane Katrina knocked out most of the church structures in Long Beach, Miss….

Life is an adventure

Crystal Graham

By Crystal Graham [email protected] (This is the fourth installment in a six-part series on The Valley Responds, an effort that links the Shenandoah Valley with residents of Long Beach, Miss.) To the average person, a sunflower growing by the roadside isn’t anything unusual. Marsha Allen, however, found it strange. Because the bright yellow sunflower had…

Rebuilding their home, lives

Crystal Graham

By Crystal Graham [email protected] (This is the third installment in a six-part series on The Valley Responds, an effort that links the Shenandoah Valley with residents of Long Beach, Miss.) Running alongside Highway 90, with breathtaking views of the Gulf Coast, is a narrow driveway leading to 629 Scenic Drive. One can imagine that this…

Liberal use of the L-word


Story by Chris Graham   To say that the Jerry Kilgore campaign is efforting to paint Kilgore’s Democratic Party rival Tim Kaine as a liberal would be to understate things by quite a bit. Virginians can hardly turn on their television or radio these days without seeing or hearing the L-word in reference to Kaine,…

The man who stopped the Unabomber


The Top Story by Chris Graham David Kaczynski didn’t believe for a second that his brother, Ted, could have been the man known to the world as the Unabomber. “My initial reaction was, ‘Well, Ted’s never been violent. I can’t imagine him harming other people like this,’ ” said Kaczynski, whose wife, Linda, confronted him…