Don’t participate in that sham of a public hearing on the Augusta County budget
Are the people of Augusta County living through their own period of high priest tax-scams and egregious “high and mightiness” by seven 1950s-era leaders?
Are the people of Augusta County living through their own period of high priest tax-scams and egregious “high and mightiness” by seven 1950s-era leaders?
The VBOE will hold a series of public hearings on the proposed 2024 English Standards of Learning throughout the Commonwealth in February.
VDOT will hold a public hearing concerning a proposed shared-use path along Richmond Avenue and Crossing Way in the city of Staunton.
Virginia and North Carolina legislators are calling on FERC to require a new certificate application for the “redesigned” MVP project.
Nelson County is inviting residents to take part in two public hearings to review the Nelson 2042 Comprehensive Plan before it is adopted in April.
Albemarle County and Charlottesville residents will have an opportunity on Tuesday to review the plans on the proposed 5th Street Station Trail and Hub project.
The Virginia Department of Transportation will hold a public hearing in Charlottesville tomorrow night about proposed design-build bundle.
A public hearing regarding improvements to a portion of Route 7 (Berryville Pike) in Frederick County is scheduled for Wed., August 2, 2023.
VDOT will hold a public hearing focused on roadway and intersection improvements to Woodrow Wilson Avenue in Augusta County.
The Augusta County Board of Supervisors held a public hearing on the 2023 tax rate – including a one-cent tax to fund police body and dash cameras.