Mark Fitzgerald sat behind me in precalculus class at Wilson Memorial. The running commentaries on the world that he offered made it hard to keep up with Mrs. Fitzgerald sometimes, but I managed.
That was 20 years ago. This weekend is a homecoming of sorts for those of us of the Go Hornets! persuasion. Fitzgerald is one of the headliners on a pro-wrestling card being offered for free at what we used to call “the old gym” at WMHS.
“That’s where we used to work out. It’s where I used to do my weightlifting, upstairs over the main gym. It’s where we had football practice when it rained. And now I get to wrestle there. I’m stoked,” Fitzgerald said.
The show, billed as “The Superstars of Pro Wrestling,” is on the schedule for Saturday with doors opening at the Augusta County Recreation Center gym located next door to WMHS at 5:30 p.m. for a meet-and-greet autograph session with the stars of the show, including former WCW superstar Buff Bagwell.
Because admission is free, fans are encouraged to get to the venue early.
Mark teams with his brother, Tony, in a tag team known as Body Count, which has been a staple at the Night of the Superstars shows promoted locally by Marvin Ward and a popular fixture on the indy circuit throughout the Mid-Atlantic.
The brothers have cut back on their schedule the past year or so due to the flagging economy taking a bite out of the promotions end of the business, but there was no question they were going to be lacing up the boots Saturday night.
“We’ve been hearing about it for months. We went to the monster-truck show last month and the truck-and-tractor pulls the month before, and because everybody knows us, people ask us, When’s the show, when are you wrestling again, when can we see you?” Fitzgerald said.
“It’s great to know that people still remember us and what we do and what we do for the community. And now we’re putting on a free show, and that makes it even better,” Fitzgerald said.
Superstars of Pro Wrestling
WHEN: Saturday, Sept. 19, doors open at 6 p.m.
– Story by Chris Graham