Pro-life votes in the ’05 election: Is Kilgore risking their support with run to the center?


Story by Chris Graham Republican Party gubernatorial nominee Jerry Kilgore has been relentless in recent weeks in his attacks on Democratic Party rival Tim Kaine on one hot-button social issue, the death penalty. Look for Kaine to fight back at Kilgore by highlighting another hot-button social issue – abortion – in the 2005 campaign’s final…

Liberal use of the L-word


Story by Chris Graham   To say that the Jerry Kilgore campaign is efforting to paint Kilgore’s Democratic Party rival Tim Kaine as a liberal would be to understate things by quite a bit. Virginians can hardly turn on their television or radio these days without seeing or hearing the L-word in reference to Kaine,…

Potts files suit to get into debate


Story by Chris Graham Russ Potts has filed suit against the University of Virginia Center for Politics seeking a spot in the televised gubernatorial-candidates debate being sponsored by the center and WWBT-NBC12 in Richmond this weekend. A hearing on Potts’ suit has been scheduled for noon today in a federal court in Charlottesville. Potts, an…

Potts down to last strike: Candidate running out of polls, time


Story by Chris Graham Independent Russ Potts may have only one chance left to qualify for an Oct. 9 televised gubernatorial-candidate debate. Three organizations – Mason-Dixon, Rasmussen Reports and The Washington Post – have been regularly polling Virginia voters as to their preferences for governor in the 2005 elections. Only one of those three, the…

Being Russ Potts


Story by Chris Graham Russ Potts is running for governor as an independent – to the consternation of Republican Party officials in Richmond and elsewhere in the Old Dominion. The state party asked Potts to resign his Virginia Senate seat – and declared that Potts is no longer a member of the GOP. Potts, for…