Earth Talk | How does geothermal work?

Roddy Scheer

Dear EarthTalk: How are heating, cooling and electricity produced by geothermal energy? I don’t understand how it works. – Delano Stewart, Wyandanch, N.Y. The term “geothermal” is derived from the Greek words for Earth (geo) and heat (therme). In essence geothermal energy is power harnessed from the Earth itself. Heat from the Earth’s core, which…

Stimulus to aid school-construction bond pool


Gov. Timothy M. Kaine today announced the availability of $119 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act bond authorizations for local school divisions to finance energy-efficiency improvements and renovations, as well as renewable-energy projects for public-school buildings. Projects will be financed through the Qualified School Construction Bond program, and will be selected through a competitive…

Stimulus dollars to go to conservation efforts


Gov. Timothy M. Kaine today announced the allocation of $40 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) to implement the Virginia State Energy Plan (SEP), a blueprint for funding energy-related initiatives throughout Virginia. The funding will help create jobs, encourage energy conservation, and promote alternative energy generation through rebates to residential and commercial…

Earth Talk | Greening hair salons

Roddy Scheer

Dear EarthTalk: As I understand it, hair salons are pretty toxic enterprises on many counts. Are there any efforts underway to green up that industry? – Paula Howe, San Francisco, Calif. Hair salons have long been criticized for the pollution they generate. Traditional hair dyes and many shampoos contain harmful synthetic chemicals that are routinely…

Virginia eighth in domestic-visitor spending


Gov. Timothy M. Kaine on Tuesday announced that Virginia’s tourism industry rose to eighth in the nation for domestic visitor spending in 2007. The increase from tenth to eighth saw Virginia move past New Jersey and Georgia in nationwide rankings for domestic visitor spending, according to data just released by the U.S. Travel Association. The…

Press Briefing | White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs


Monday, Sept. 28 MR. GIBBS: I have no announcements, so take us away. Q Thanks, Robert. Why does the President think a trip to Copenhagen is going to make that much difference? And what does he hope his appearance there will help? MR. GIBBS: Well, obviously, I think he hopes that he can make a…

1,200 more jobs to Fairfax with relocation


Gov. Timothy M. Kaine today announced that technology and defense powerhouse Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) is moving its corporate headquarters from San Diego to the company’s McLean campus in Fairfax County. The scientific, engineering, and technology applications company plans to invest $25 million as part of the relocation and is expected to create 1,200…

State, Dominion partnering on electric-vehicle charging stations


Gov. Timothy M. Kaine today announced as part of his Renew Virginia initiative a partnership with Dominion Virginia Power to install electric vehicle charging stations at certain state rest areas. These charging stations, installed at no cost to the state, are designed to accommodate most of today’s hybrid electric vehicles and use of the stations…