Earl Hamner blows me away


Stop the Presses column by Chris Graham “Hi, Chris. I am out most of the day, but will find you somehow. Reception, maybe? Earl H.” This was what greeted me to the Festival of the Book over in Charlottesville the other day. A handwritten note on a cocktail napkin – from Earl Hamner, whom I…

I’ll pay my share


Stop the Presses column by Chris Graham Beep, beep … The guy behind us in the white luxury car was obviously heading to a fire. Had to be – he was driving 85, 90, easy. My wife had been trying to pass a semi on the mountain on the way to Charlottesville – innocently as…

No charges in Allen-blogger incident


Story by Chris Graham Charlottesville Commonwealth’s attorney Warner D. Chapman said today that he will not recommend that charges be brought against supporters of Sen. George Allen who confronted a liberal blogger asking questions of the senator at an event at the Omni Hotel last month. “While several individuals could be charged with one or…

Can we all just get along?


The Top Story by Chris Graham   The Shenandoah Valley is usually pretty tame as far as its politics goes – but even the solid Republican Mountain Valley has seen its share of contentiousness this political season. To wit … – One of the highlights of the Augusta County Fair this summer was an episode…