Crystal Graham: Lilly Ledbetter’s story is my story

Crystal Graham

Crystal Clear column by Crystal Graham It had been a long time since I thought about women’s rights, particularly equality when it comes to pay. It certainly hasn’t been a deciding issue in this election – not for me, anyway. And yet Lilly Ledbetter sparked my memory when she talked Wednesday at a Michelle Obama…

The Calendar: What’s Going On This Weekend


More from our Calendar of Events.    Saturday, Sept. 20 Guest speakers, including several Virginia Indian representatives, artists and dancers offer perspectives on Virginia Indians past and present, Festival Conference and Student Center, James Madison University, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Info: Volunteer Firefighter Auction, Waynesboro Fire Department, West Broad Street, Downtown Waynesboro, 10…

Business and Politics: Equal pay for equal work


Story by Chris Graham [email protected] You’ve probably never heard the name Lilly Ledbetter, so you might think it unusual that Michelle Obama would go out of her way to talk about how “amazing” the retired grandmother is. “I know that there are many people here who didn’t know her story, didn’t understand the origins of…

Karen Waters: Community organizing is no joke


Op-ed by Karen Waters I am a community organizer. I make change. I am my brother’s and my sister’s keeper. This is one heck of a big responsibility; one I believe is no laughing matter. Thousands of others like me understand we are in this together, and shoulder the heavy burden to create healthy, just…

Kara West: There but for the grace of God go I on health care


Op-ed by Kara West I am a very lucky woman, and I know it. I have no out-of-pocket expenses for health care thanks to the forward thinking of my progressive employer. Unfortunately many working Virginians don’t enjoy this basic benefit. I haven’t always been in this position, and while it feels luxurious, it should be…