Children’s choir releases 11th CD, Renowned environmental authority to speak at EMU, EMU expert part of collaborative effort on Civil War pacifism


Items by Jim Bishop Children’s choir releases 11th CD The splendor of brass, pipe organ and 150 children’s voices combine as the Shenandoah Valley Children’s Choir (SVCC) of Harrisonburg, Va., heralds its 16th season with the release of its 11th recording, “Christmas Joy.” This is the second collaborative effort that includes members of the Washington…

Marriage amendment – a lose-lose-lose situation?


The Top Story by Chris Graham   It’s politics to some people – the debate over a proposed amendment to the Virginia Constitution that would prohibit gays and lesbians from being able to enter into a state-recognized marriage or civil union. For those whose lives would be impacted directly by the much-talked-about change to the…