McDonnell announces $1.2 million in Farmland Preservation Grants


Gov. Bob McDonnell announced on Tuesday the distribution of $1.2 million in farmland preservation grants from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to 13 Virginia localities. This is a significant increase from the $100,000 available last fiscal year for state matching funds.  Localities must use the grant monies to preserve farmland within their…

McDonnell announces education agenda


Joined on Monday by Virginia public school students, teachers, superintendents and parents, Gov. Bob McDonnell unveiled his 2012 legislative and budget actions that support his administration’s ongoing “Opportunity to Learn” K-12 education agenda. The actions, to be introduced in the 2012 General Assembly session, focus on raising standards for schools and teachers, reducing mandates on…

AFP offers marketing class through PVCC


Augusta Free Press is offering a class on public relations and marketing through Piedmont Virginia Community College in Charlottesville. The Nov. 1 class, PR & Marketing for Artisans, is being offered in conjunction with the Artisans Center of Virginia. Artists, artisans and small-business owners are encouraged to sign up for the class, which will be…

Local Food Hub announces 2011 Community Food Award winners


Local Food Hub announced the winners of the 2011 Community Food Awards at an event co-sponsored by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the City of Charlottesville, and Albemarle and Nelson counties. “A Celebration of Growth, Expansion and Success” marked the completion of Local Food Hub’s second year of operation and featured remarks…

State announces funding for prisoner re-entry


Gov. Bob McDonnell on Friday announced initial funding for his strengthened prisoner re-entry program currently under development. Under the leadership of Banci Tewolde, appointed by the governor to serve as the state’s first prisoner re-entry coordinator, the Commonwealth has secured federal funding for three components of the governor’s comprehensive prisoner re-entry initiative. Virginia has been…

Roads report


The latest updated list of road work scheduled in the local area from the Virginia Department of Transportation.   ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY Interstate 64 * Mile marker 41 to 56 eastbound and westbound – Debris removal, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Interstate 81 * Mile marker 173 to 205 northbound and southbound…

Marrow: Obama, Dems no better than GOP


   Story by Chris Graham [email protected] See if you can guess who updated their Facebook status this way over the weekend. “A year later is has become abundantly clear that Obama and the dems are no better than bush and his republican sleaze. They are all corporate wh@#es, liars and thieves. The only difference is…