Research team begins to bridge gap between intellectual disability, molecular function
Scientists at the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute discovered how mutations of a gene called CASK may cause genetic disorders such as microcephaly.
Scientists at the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute discovered how mutations of a gene called CASK may cause genetic disorders such as microcephaly.
Angela Beagle, the mother of a child killed as a result of a car accident, will speak on distracted driving at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 29, in Cole Hall at Bridgewater College.
Governor Terry McAuliffe dedicated on Thursday a new bridge that carries Washington Boulevard (Route 27) over Columbia Pike (Route 244) in Arlington, as the “Freedmans Village Bridge,” in honor of Freedmans Village, a historic community that once occupied the surrounding land and was a refuge for freed and fugitive slaves during the Civil War.
The third annual Bridge Day Staunton will be held Saturday, April 25 from 11am-4pm. Bridge Day Staunton is a celebration of Staunton’s unique culture of local music, arts, history, food, artisans, shopping and community action.
Fishersville’s newest road, Route 636, also known as Lifecore Drive, is now open to drivers. The thoroughfare, including the Dennis O. Burnett Memorial Bridge over the CSX railroad tracks, connects Route 250 near the Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center and the Wilson Memorial Complex to Tinkling Springs Road (Route 285).
The Charlottesville City Council has appointed a new Steering Committee to guide the design for the Belmont Bridge replacement.
A collaboration of local businesses announced today that they will sponsor the second annaul Bridge Day Staunton on Saturday, April 26, 2014 from 11am-4pm.
Five Bridgewater College alumni will be honored as part of the college’s annual Alumni Weekend celebration April 11 – 13.
VDOT will open Route 727 (Airport Road) in Rockingham County on Friday. Contractors from Fairfield-Echols LLC of Fishersville have substantially completed the project just west of Route 11 at Mount Crawford. The work included construction of a new bridge over the North River and realigning part of the road to eliminate two sharp curves.
The Friends of the Sears Hill Bridge Committee recently received a 2013 Preservation Award from Preservation Virginia, recognizing the committee’s restoration of the Sears Hill Bridge as an Outstanding Community Preservation Project.