Virginia air is cleaner

Gov. Timothy M. Kaine today announced significant improvements in Virginia’s air quality during the past decade. Between 1999 and 2009, the Commonwealth saw a 96 percent decrease in the number of days that exceeded the national air quality standard for ground-level ozone at monitoring stations statewide, with summer 2009 standing out as the best year…

Virginia congressional delegation secures funding for expansion of Craney Island in Norfolk

Sens. Jim Webb and Mark Warner, and Congressmen Bobby Scott and Glenn Nye today announced the inclusion of $100,000 in the Fiscal Year 2010 Energy and Water Appropriations bill to initiate the eastward expansion of Craney Island. Thursday’s inclusion of funds moves the project from the “planning” to “construction” phase, making it eligible for future…

Kaine on hand for announcement of new tech business in Rockingham

Gov. Timothy M. Kaine today announced that Shenandoah Sustainable Technologies, LLC (SST), a Rockingham County based sustainable construction company will add 72 jobs and $600,000 in capital investment throughout Virginia over the next three years. SST specializes in the construction of self-sufficient buildings and the retrofitting of existing buildings. The company serves residential, commercial and…

Holton endorses Deeds for governor

Citing his transportation plan and his record of bringing people together to get results, Virginia’s first Republican governor of the modern era, Linwood Holton, today threw his support behind Sen. Creigh Deeds for Governor. After greeting commuters at the Clarendon Metro Station in Arlington this morning, Sen. Deeds and Gov. Holton spoke about the need…

The Latest

Wednesday, Sept. 9 – State News: Kaine proclaims Sept. 11 as Day of Service and Remembrance Tuesday, Sept. 8 – Local News: Church sponsors free oil change, safety checks for single moms – Local News: Accident damages Waynesboro gas station – Local News: Local VDOT road-work update Monday, Sept. 7 – State News: Virginia wins…