Live, on C-SPAN, it’s Stuarts Draft High School


Story by Chris Graham [email protected] Hurry up and wait. That’s life on TV. Students in two AP government classes at Stuarts Draft High School know that all too well. “It was exciting. National television, that was pretty cool. But it was nervewracking at the same time,” said Akash Patel, a senior at SDHS, a few…

Dad knows an awful lot


Story by Chris Graham [email protected] It’s hard offering community theater that appeals to the whole family. “One thing we were discussing with the board was having a family show. Not a children’s show, but a family show. And they’re not easy to find,” said Suzanne Roberts, the director of the upcoming Waynesboro Players production of…

Views on Seuss


Story by Faryal Zubair The colors seem brighter, the words seem bigger, and the laughter is louder. Why is it that it is all seems more interesting when you’re younger? Isn’t it strange that the books that once compelled you to write stories of your own now sound obnoxious and repetitive? Dr. Seuss is one…



General Assembly Report column by Del. Ben Cline The adjournment of the 2008 General Assembly session came five days later than planned, but like all good things, it was worth waiting for. As I wrote last week, the session was extended by a few days to give our negotiators a little more time to work out the differences…



General Assembly Report column by Del. Ben Cline Under Article 4 of the Constitution of Virginia, “no regular session of the General Assembly convened in an even-numbered year shall continue longer than sixty days.” That means that the 2008 session should have adjourned for the year on Saturday, March 8. However, as the hours passed last Saturday,…

Wrapping up


General Assembly Report by Rob Bell The Virginia General Assembly has finished the majority of its work. Bills that passed both the Virginia House of Delegates and the Virginia Senate have now been sent to Gov. Tim Kaine for consideration. The more significant legislation from the 2008 session includes: • The most sweeping overhaul of…

Artist returning to his roots at EMU


Story by Jim Bishop Herbert G. (Herb) Weaver Jr. sees his artwork as “an exclamation against boredom.” “I create art because I’m addicted to the process – the unexplainable surge of inspiration, the development of an idea, the construction process and intimacy with the material and finally the presentation,” the former Harrisonburg resident says. Weaver,…