News from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.


Thursday, Aug. 6, 2009 – Statement by President Barack Obama on Senate passage of Cash for Clunkers extension – Remarks by President Obama on the confirmation of Judge Sonia Sotomayor – Remarks by the president regarding John Roos, Ambassador-designate to Japan – Press briefing by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs



Friday, July 24 – Bills in Congress could impact voter disenfranchisement in Virginia Thursday, July 23 – State health department reports swine-flu death Wednesday, July 22 – Kaine statement on recovery of Cho records – Kaine calls special legislative session to deal with fallout from Melendez-Diaz decision Tuesday, July 21 – Kaine announces formation of…

Earth Talk | Population and warming

Roddy Scheer

Dear EarthTalk: To what extent does human population growth impact global warming, and what can be done about it? – Larry LeDoux, Honolulu, Hawaii No doubt human population growth is a major contributor to global warming, given that humans use fossil fuels to power their increasingly mechanized lifestyles. More people means more demand for oil,…

It’s all about the money


“Many of our schools are failing and our dropout rate is too high, but the VEA finds time to advocate for illegal same sex marriage,” said Victoria Cobb, President of The Family Foundation, in a statement highlighted in a news release from the social-conservative organization based in Richmond. 

Dave Randall | What the Fourth means


July 4th – our day of celebration of independence began back on June 11, 1776 at the Second Continental Congress held in Philadelphia. They gathered there to draft a document that would live in history. The final version of the document was officially adopted on July 4, 1776, and was distributed by the Pennsylvania Evening…

News from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.


– Press briefing with Robert Gibbs, Wednesday, July 1, 2009 – Pool report on Obama health-care town hall – Remarks of President Barack Obama at Health Care Town Hall in Annandale, Va., Wednesday, July 1, 2009 – Q-and-A from the health-care town hall – Vice President Biden launches broadband initiative  

Kent Willis | First Amendment Lessons: When Jerry Falwell Jr. defrocked the Democrats at Liberty University


When Jerry Falwell Jr. closed down the Liberty University College Democrats, a student club, we at the American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia were inundated with calls asking when we were going to file suit against the school for violating the constitutional rights of the club members.