Reading the megasite-study tea leaves
The Top Story by Chris Graham Augusta County officials have vigorously resisted making details of a 400-page report on a proposed industrial megasite in the Weyers Cave area public.
The Top Story by Chris Graham Augusta County officials have vigorously resisted making details of a 400-page report on a proposed industrial megasite in the Weyers Cave area public.
The Top Story by Chris Graham When gasoline was a dollar a gallon, it made sense to pack up the family and head for the hills to escape the higher real-estate prices of the city.
The Top Story by Chris Graham Agriculture is a $144 million-a-year industry in Augusta County. Not that you would know that by the way that it is treated by the county’s political leaders.
The Top Story by Chris Graham Gary McQuain was a DuPonter – back when it meant something to say that, back when DuPont was a dominant player in the labor market in the Greater Augusta County area.
Story by Chris Graham If you believe what you read in the papers and the blogs, George Allen got run out of Staunton last month – and by local Democrats, no less.
The Top Story by Chris Graham The Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C., were a wakeup call for those involved in the emergency-services community in the Shenandoah Valley. “The big thing that came out of 9/11 was the thought that, hey, we’ve got to look at our policies and…
Story by Chris Graham The idea that the second book in the series on the history of Waynesboro from local author George Hawke could end up costing city taxpayers upwards of $20,000 has been gnawing at me from the time that I heard that things might be headed in this direction in the spring.
The Top Story by Chris Graham You see a Confederate-flag bumper sticker on a truck in a parking lot or on the highway, and already you have some ideas in your mind as to the identity of the person who put it there. “Nowadays, you’re not going to see a $30,000 SUV going down the…
The Top Story by Chris Graham Tim Williams doesn’t like passing the buck to taxpayers any more than he has to – particularly when Richmond is awash in money from those same taxpayers. “The state has a surplus, and here they are passing this onto us. I don’t understand that. They made the promise, and…
The Top Story by Chris Graham “Three guys came into the restaurant, and two of them had guns in their belts. And, I mean, they didn’t look like undercover police. But then again, what does undercover police look like? But … uh … it just looks kind of odd. They kept getting up and going…