Violence and our kids


The Top Story by Chris Graham Ours is a violent culture – and we’re not talking about the mean streets of South Central Los Angeles or New York City or some other urban enclave. Violence is in your living room – not to mention your child’s CD player or iPod or Xbox or Playstation2. From…

Stirred, not too shaken, not shy, not retiring


Bishop’s Mantle column by Jim Bishop Yikes, another birthday looms ahead – “another year older and deeper in debt,” as the ole Pea Picker, Tennessee Ernie, observed so astutely years ago. And it’s largely financial realities that prod this aging baby boomer to keep on keeping on at my job and other responsibilities, even though…

The battle for the heart and soul of the GOP


The Top Story by Chris Graham   For a brief moment or two after the 2006 midterm elections, it had seemed that the Republican Party was perhaps going off its ideological moorings. The talk was reaching the level of near-clamor regarding how the GOP was going to have to consider retreating from the right-wing conservative…

Can we all just get along?


The Top Story by Chris Graham   The Shenandoah Valley is usually pretty tame as far as its politics goes – but even the solid Republican Mountain Valley has seen its share of contentiousness this political season. To wit … – One of the highlights of the Augusta County Fair this summer was an episode…

Marriage amendment – a lose-lose-lose situation?


The Top Story by Chris Graham   It’s politics to some people – the debate over a proposed amendment to the Virginia Constitution that would prohibit gays and lesbians from being able to enter into a state-recognized marriage or civil union. For those whose lives would be impacted directly by the much-talked-about change to the…