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We live in a society obsessed with food. And those of us opting to make healthy food choices tend to be in the minority. It’s no problem to find a candy bar or a Big Mac when you’re traveling, but if you’re a Paleoista, well, it can be challenging.
In fact, when most folks first decide to adopt a Paleo lifestyle, they tend to prepare their own food and avoid eating out at restaurants where healthy options can be hard to find.
So, when you’re a Paleoista and you end up traveling or on vacation, it can be difficult to stick to your clean-eating regimen.
But, as a frequent flyer myself, I’m here to tell you that you can, indeed, stay Paleo on the go. All it takes is a bit of planning.
The following tips will help:
Bring your own food. This seems like a no-brainer, but it’s easy to overlook the obvious! If you’re driving to your destination, bring a cooler with lots of staples like hard-boiled eggs, cooked sausage, kefir, kombucha, veggies, jerky, dates and fruit. If you’re flying, you won’t be able to bring a cooler, but you can certainly shop for those basics when you reach your destination. Yelp! is a great site to search for local organic grocers and farmers’ markets, so do some research before you land.
Look for a room with a kitchenette. If you can get a hotel room with a kitchenette, get it. These units generally come with a fridge and a range. This will allow you to prepare some of your own meals so that you can avoid as many restaurants as possible.
Bring an empty water bottle. Fill up your biggest water bottle if you’re driving to your destination and keep to your regular hydration schedule as much as possible. When you fly, pack a large empty water bottle in your luggage and have it filled on the plane. Keep yourself good and hydrated so that your hunger is kept at bay.
Review menus beforehand. If you do need to eat out at a restaurant, look at the menu online ahead of time if possible. This will allow you to see if there are options you can eat and, if not, you’ll be able to look through menu items to see if you can piece together enough safe items to make a special request of the chef. If you’re going on vacation at an all-inclusive resort, or if the restaurants you’re eating at are buffet-only, walk around to see what’s available before you fill your plate. Stick with meats and veggies, skipping bread and desserts.
Exercise. Make use of the hotel’s fitness room. If you practice yoga, bring your mat. If you have a favorite workout DVD, bring it with you, or find some exercise videos on YouTube. If the weather is fine, go for a run or a walk around the city you’re visiting. Staying active while you travel is very important, especially because it’s so difficult to stay 100% on track with your eating.
Remember that one bad meal choice will not sabotage you. If you slip up, make sure you’ve chosen something that’s worth it and move on!